Welcome! Today, we're going to talk about something that may not be as exciting as the latest JavaScript framework or the newest programming language, but is just as important: anti-patterns in programming. Anti-patterns are common programming practices that seem like...
Breaking the Habit: Strategies for Avoiding Programming Anti-Patterns – Part 2
Welcome back! Last time, we talked about five common anti-patterns that can wreak havoc on your codebase. We discussed the perils of God Objects, Spaghetti Code, Magic Numbers, Copy and Paste Programming, and Dead Code. But wait, sadly there's more to look out for!...
Spring Cleaning Your Snowpipes
Snowflake supports data pipelines in the form of Snowpipe which “enables loading data from files as soon as they’re available in a stage” for automated continuous loading of data pipelines into the database tables. It can consume data files from cloud provider stages...
Accurately Finding Pizza
In Snowflake I've queried hundreds of millions of rows in seconds, built data pipelines from a vast array of sources into data models, and constructed complex user access hierarchies to fit the business demand. With every feature release, I get excited as to what new...